The Wardrobe Consultant | Hallie Abrams

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How To Get Out of a Style Rut

We've all been there – caught in a rut. Be it style, fitness, relationships, or just a general life funk, these ruts can feel overwhelming. But fear not! I’m here to share simple, actionable tips that can help you reignite your passion for fashion and break free from that style rut.

Recognizing the Signs of a Style Rut

Are you feeling disconnected from your wardrobe? Do you find yourself aimlessly browsing through your clothes, feeling uninspired or even frustrated? You might be in a style rut if you're frequently "checked out" while getting dressed, or if your relationship with clothes has turned into a vicious cycle of buying, purging, and feeling dissatisfied.

Breaking the Cycle

Let's tackle this head-on. Buying more clothes isn't the solution, nor is an endless cycle of purging. The key is to take control of your wardrobe and make it work for you, not against you. I’ve seen it firsthand in my nearly two decades as a personal stylist: mastering your wardrobe can positively impact other areas of your life.

How to Get Out of a Style Rut:

  • Set an Intention: Declare your goal to step out of your style rut. Saying it aloud or writing it down can be incredibly powerful. 

  • Take a Tangible Step: Turn your intention into action. For example, schedule a specific day for a closet edit or start researching stylists and styling courses. This concrete action is a commitment to your style transformation.

  • Make a List/Create a Plan: Break down your goal into smaller, manageable tasks. If planning feels overwhelming, consider following a structured program designed by a style expert. This will provide you with a clear path and achievable milestones.

  • Approach Realistically: Remember, style evolution is a journey, not a magic-wand scenario. Set realistic expectations and acknowledge that progress takes time and effort, much like improving fitness or learning a new skill.

  • Find Inspiration: Build a collection of styles, outfits, and looks that inspire you. Use fashion magazines, Pinterest, Instagram, or style blogs to gather ideas. Look for patterns in your choices to identify what truly appeals to you.

  • Break it Down into Steps: Deconstruct the process into smaller tasks such as understanding your style preferences, decluttering your wardrobe, identifying key pieces you need, and learning to put together outfits. Tackling one step at a time makes the process less daunting.

  • Keep Moving Forward: Consistency is key. Regularly dedicate time to your style journey, and if you fall behind, don’t be hard on yourself. It’s normal to have setbacks. What’s important is to get back on track as soon as you can.

  • Create Accountability: Join a styling program, hire a stylist, or partner with a fashion-savvy friend. Having someone to share your progress with can motivate you to stay on course and provide valuable feedback.

  • Speak Kindly to Yourself: Be your own cheerleader. Changing your style can bring up insecurities, but it’s important to stay positive and treat yourself with kindness. Remember, everyone’s style journey is unique.

  • Build a Community: Engage with a fashion community, whether it's an online group (like my Facebook community!), a local meetup, or a styling class. Being around others who share your interest can inspire you and provide new ideas and perspectives.