How To Shop Consignment: Stylist's Guide to Thrift Stores and Secondhand Clothes

How To Shop Consignment

Shopping Pre-Loved, Pre-Owned Clothing

However you refer to it… second hand, consignment, thrift, resale, vintage, flea market, or the now politically correct term “pre-loved”, it is shopping for items that have been “used” and are now available for a new home. 

It can be a polarizing subject. Most people (this is my anecdotal evidence, not true stats) either love thrifting/consignment shopping or absolutely loathe it. Growing up, my dad loved finding vintage jewelry and watches on his business trips, and would give them to my mom. I adored each and every piece he brought home and my mom, sadly not so much. Don’t get me wrong, she was super kind about it, but the pieces didn’t light her up like they did my dad and me. Fast forward a decade or two and we deconstructed the dynamic at dinner one night… It came down to this: My dad (and I) loved the history (both known and imagined) of each piece and that it had a connection to the past. My mom, however,  felt like she was getting hand-me-downs. Neither was right or wrong - it’s just the perspective.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ll get a compliment on a shoe or bag or dress that is a pre-loved find, and when I tell the person, they are borderline grossed out that I am wearing, and I quote “someone else’s shoes, ewww!”

Cleveland Consignment Shoppe x WKYC

This week we taped a WKYC segment at Cleveland Consignment Shoppe in Woodmere. And that’s what got me thinking about the do’s and don’ts of second-hand shopping. If you’re one of the folks that love shopping this way, the tips might help you score more accurately. And if you’re one that isn’t quite sure about it - maybe these tips will give you the ammunition to give it a go.

This dress is currently available at Cleveland Consignment Shoppe!

Consignment shopping can work for everyone, every age, every body type. I dressed three models, each with very different personal styles, body types, and life roles. I love how it all turned out and can’t wait for you to see the segment.

Why I Love a Good Secondhand Moment

Personally, I am a HUGE fan of resale shopping and have been for many years. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Each piece feels like a treasure - no matter the price tag.

  • The search is as fun as the find - the treasure hunt aspect invigorates me.

  • It’s good for the environment and saves discarded clothing from ending up in landfills.

  • Preloved is often “one of a kind” meaning it’s unlikely you’ll end up at a party seeing someone else wearing the same dress.

  • You’re able to get better-quality items for a lesser price tag.

  • My thrift finds are generally the frosting of my outfit - meaning they are the unique items that are memorable and make the outfit my own.

But Shopping Secondhand Can Be Really Overwhelming

Yes, it certainly can. Especially if you don’t like shopping in the first place. There are so many options. And sizes are limited. And it’s often unorganized (but so are many retail stores these days - that’s a whole other rant in the making) But it doesn’t have to be if you go in with the right mindset…

Mindset Tips for Successful Secondhand Shopping

  • Don’t go with a firm list, have to see what they have there, can have ideas of what to look for

  • Be open to pieces that speak to you because those are the hero pieces/ special pieces that will light you up.

  • Think in terms of measurements not sizes, because sizing runs very differently in all clothes.

  • Remember, tailoring makes an item perfect for you 

Practical Tips for Shopping Consignment

  • There is typically less inventory on the weekends, so if you can shop during the week. It’s less crowded and there’s more to choose from. 

  • Vintage clothes run 4-6 sizes smaller than modern clothes.

  • Know what brands work for you so you can look for those brands when you shop 

  • Be aware of what styles are flattering for your body so that you can buy pieces that will make you feel good 

  • Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to slip things on and off 

  • Know what you have in your closet so you don’t just buy to buy, think about what this item will go with before you bring it home.

  • Know your measurements - this is a SUPER HELPFUL tip for any kind of shopping but especially for secondhand shopping.

In-Person vs. Online Thrifting

As I said earlier, I love the thrill of the hunt. And for me, that is usually an in-person kind of thing. I visit consignment stores in Cleveland and try to when I’m out of town as well.

Thrift Stores in NYC

Thrift Stores in LA

Thrift Stores in Palm Beach

Thrift Stores in Cleveland

Thrift Stores Online

And these days, there are kick-ass options for finding awesome consignment pieces online as well. We scoured the internet to come up with some secondhand treasures. Just like in person - most of these are one of a kind, so if it tickles your fancy, don’t wait.

Please also be aware of the policy of the sites - some allow returns, some do not. And some allow returns on certain items and not others.

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Since the purpose of this blog is to take the stress out of getting dressed, we try to make it easy on you by sharing shoppable links (accessed by clicking the PINK words or the actual photo) with awesome readers like you. We want to let you know, some of those contain affiliate links for products. There is absolutely no additional cost to you if you take action (click, purchase, subscribe) with one of these links. As a result, we will earn some coffee money from your click. But we promise to drink it while creating more ad-free, helpful content like this.


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