Why I've Actually Abandoned My Jeans for Trousers Lately + Simple Ways To Style Them

I have a confession to make... As a devoted denim girl, I’ve found myself cheating on my beloved jeans more than once lately. Don’t tell the denim gods, but I’ve been opting for trousers instead of jeans a lot! Why? Well, I think there are a bunch of reasons…

First, trousers are trending big for fall/winter. So we’ve been seeing them all over the place. On social media, in magazines, and my favorite place for style inspiration - seeing how people are wearing them on the street. The other bonus is that because this style of pant is trending for fall, there are tons of options to choose from right now.

Options come at all different prices and fit all different body shapes. But, even though this is all well and good, when it comes down to it, that’s not really the reason why they’re replacing my jeans. 

Of course, the availability makes it easier to find a pair to love. And the fact that trousers are trending often makes adopting a new trend feel more achievable. Because when a style gains traction and you see it more and more, it doesn’t feel as foreign and, therefore, easier to try.

As a side note… 

A great example of this is when I first wrote about white booties, back in 2017. At the time, I received messages from so many readers, saying things like, “What? Really? I’m not sure about this one.” And it definitely took some time to catch on, but now, no one is questioning white booties anymore. 

Yes, white booties may or may not be your vibe, but it’s a look that no longer feels “out there.” I believe part of my mission is to inform you all about what I see coming down the proverbial style pike. And with that information, you get to decide when or if you buy into a trend. Don’t feel pressured to hop on the bandwagon right now if it doesn’t feel comfortable. But hopefully, when you do see a new trend, you’ll be informed and aware. And ya know what they say, knowledge is power.

Anyway, let’s get back to trousers…

The second reason trousers are winning my affection lately is that they’re not just for the office anymore. For many years, women’s trousers were relegated to more formal-ish sectors, as either office wear and sometimes as funeral clothing. And jeans (or leggings) reigned supreme for many other occasions. Previously, wearing trousers would have been the conservative option, not the cool option. But these days, donning trousers is most definitely cool. And this is probably closer to the reason I am trouser obsessed lately. 

And the third reason, if we are being honest, is that trousers are just more comfortable than jeans - even those jeans with stretch. They’re loose and airy. Easy to sit in. Rarely binding, especially in the thigh region. So wearing trousers, especially in its new, slouchy iteration, becomes a no-brainer as it looks put together and it’s more comfortable than much of my denim.

Lastly, trousers allow me to walk that very fine line of feeling polished, put together, and elevated, but yet, not too dressy. Like if I wore them to the grocery store, no one would ask me why I was so dressed up. And If I wore them to a business event, I wouldn’t be self-conscious that I was underdressed.

Now that we know why these pants are a new fav for the bottom half let’s chat about how to wear them so they have that modern, chill, not trying too hard but still looking put together vibe we are hoping to achieve.

How to Style Trousers and Look Fabulous

It’s Simple: SWAP Them for Jeans

The easy part, when it comes to styling this new “hot” pant, is that as far as the outfit is concerned, it becomes an even swap with your jeans. Meaning you can pretty much just swap out trousers in place of jeans and leave the rest of the outfit intact. 

HOWEVER, the pant swap needs to be with straight-leg, wide-leg, or mom jeans - not with skinny jeans because the silhouettes are completely different.

What exactly do I mean by this? Well, these relaxed trousers look great with…

  1. A tee shirt and sneakers:

  2. A sweater and chunky boots: 

  3. A turtleneck and heels: 

Pretty much the exact same way you’d wear the outfit with jeans. All of the elements remain the same EXCEPT the pant.

And in switching this one item of clothing, the entire outfit feels fresh and new. That, my friends, is the beauty of a trend. It allows you to purchase one new item and that one item breathes new life into your tried and true combos.

The 3 Secrets to Styling Trousers

Waist Definition

The main style tip to successfully style trousers is to create waist definition. If you’re wearing slouchy trousers with an oversized tunic, the visual is just a ton of fabric. With little balance and proportion. The way balance is achieved when wearing trousers is this:

1. Tuck or crop your top. Personally, I am not a bare midriff person. Too old, too many scars, and a boatload of stretch marks (thanks, kiddos). But crop can just mean the top is skimming the waistband of the pants; it does not mean skin has to show. And tucking in a top has the same visual effect. It creates a waist, a smaller, tighter area, in contrast to the flowy leg of the trouser.

2. A fitted top. Same concept here. A tighter top balances the volume on the lower half. And as a girl that typically shies away from tight clothes on my stomach, I’ve found that trousers that sit higher on the waist camouflage my pouch pretty well.

3. Add a topper. If you’re self-conscious about how items look from the side when tucked in, just add a third piece. Toppers like a blazer, cardigan, or jean jacket work magically to hide waist thickness, especially from a side view.

4. Wear it as a Suit. If in doubt, grab a matching jacket and wear your trousers as a suit. This is a great option for petite gals because the matching top and bottom provide a cohesive, long, and lean look. Suits are also very “in” right now. And a suit allows you to wear the pieces together (as a suit) or separately, so you get a lot of bang for your buck.

Chunky Footwear (or not)

A hefty shoe is another styling tip that helps a trouser outfit come together. It literally grounds the look and helps create a longer, leaner line. Good news for us… chunky is generally more comfortable.

1. Chunky sneakers. A sneaker, especially one that is beefy, adds a casual juxtaposition to trousers. And they’re comfortable to walk miles in too!

2. Lug sole loafers or boots. Loafers and trousers make sense together. It’s the lug sole detail that will make the outfit feel cohesive. Again, heft on the bottom - be it a loafer or boot - balances the whole look.

3. Or not… A heel or pointy toe also looks great with a trouser. In this case, the pointy-ness and femininity balance the trouser. However, heels will take the outfit up a notch on the dressy scale. And probably down a notch on the comfort scale!!

Feminine Elements

Speaking of femininity, offsetting the masculine nature of trousers with an element of feminine, helps with the harmony of an outfit.

  1. Show some skin. Not in an inappropriate way. Rather in a way that evens out the masculine feel of trousers. Showing the clavicle or even the forearm can help a lot.

  2. Fabrics matter. Pairing trousers with a silky fabric that drapes the body as opposed to stiff poplin will help achieve the desired effect. Body con and ribbed fabrics will do the same. It’s a matter of being able to see the womanly shape on the top half.

  3. Shoulder ruffle can be your friend. I’m talking specifically about a puff or ruffle shoulder. Not a full-sleeve ruffle. The added visual volume at the shoulders helps balance the bottom and also helps define the waist for that hourglass figure we are all trying to have.

You know how stylists are prone to saying “just throw it on with jeans and a tee shirt”? Well, now it’s “throw it on with relaxed trousers and a tee shirt.” Because the outfit is the same, it’s the pants that are changing…

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