Is an Arm Party Still in Style?

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Have an arm party-stack it with bracelets.

This whole arm party thing has been around for quite a while and sometimes we need to check in and see if “trends” are still relevant. First though, we need to discuss WHAT AN ARM PARTY IS anyway? Basically, it’s stacking a bunch of bracelets on your wrist at once. Thus creating a par-tay on your arm. The bottom line is, YES, it is totally still current and in style. But just like a dinner party, there are subtle details that will make your party a hit or a flop.  

Summer’s an optimal time for an arm party because in the warmer months there’s more skin to show, more wrist space that’s screaming to be adorned. And again, like I talked about a few weeks ago, we have less layers to contend with so it helps us feel put together when we throw on more accessories to compensate for the loss of clothing. In a nutshell the bracelets, or the “arm party” are becoming your 3rd piece and taking place of heavy cardigans or jackets that are usually covering up your wrists. Now that I’ve established stacking bracelets is still “in”, read on for the do’s and don’ts and have your own arm party.

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How to throw an arm party for your wrist. 

This is one party we’re happy to attend, and it doesn’t take a lot of effort to be put together for this one. Here’s a few simple rules…

1. Stack in odds.

Meaning, 1, 3, 5, 7. You get the picture. If you’re wearing 1, make it a chunky one. Something heavy that can stand alone, like this one.

2. Vary the sizes

An exception to the rule…even though we like odd numbers, if you’re wearing one big one, try adding a thin bracelet alongside, like this.

3. Mix your metals.

Mixing up your metals is totally okay.  Wearing  gold, brass, and silver together is fine. It’s more than fine, actually. It’s what makes the arm party. Try throwing in some leather, beads, or sparkle, too. They’ll go a long way. 

4. Pick ONE Wrist

If you’re going for a big bracelet look, like a cuff, pick ONE wrist only. Wear cuffs on both wrists and you risk looking like Wonder Woman.


Bracelet Styling Tips.

Style tip #1. Go through your jewelry box and dig out your old bracelets. You’ll be surprised what you find in there. Vintage jewelry is awesome! Then, stack them up and snap pictures so you’ll remember what goes with what when you’re getting dressed.

Style tip #2. If you bought a package set, break them up and add a few similar sized bracelets in a different material. Let’s say you got a pack of enamel bracelets. Remove a few, and try adding a few with sparkle. Or let’s say you got a pack of beaded bracelets. Remove a few and add a some metal. Be creative and you really can’t go wrong. 

Plan your own arm party with these bracelets.

I love mixing the old with the new. Try a vintage bracelet like this with something new.

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Or try something new with something old.

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More Bracelets We Love – Pile them on together or wear them alone.

 Soooo, are you gonna try an arm party for yourself this summer? And, did this answer all of your bracelet wearing questions? If there’s something that’s still bugging you, drop it in the comments.

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